All You Need to Know about Real Estate Property in Japan
Recording of business call with new client, interested in purchasing, renovating and living in an old abandoned Japanese home - as well as potentially turning it into a guest house.
An interview given to Bryan & Patricia Pore, of the "Leaving California" PodCast - all about living, working and buying real estate property in the land of the rising sun.
Our sales & marketing manager, Priti Donnelly, comes back on the show to share her annual 2019 Japan property market summary report, including common trends, statistics, challenges and - mos...
Highlights from two property tours with visiting clients - we look at older, cheaper condo unit cash cows, as well as vacant land plots that are currently being used as parking lots, but have hu...
We categorise potential Japanese residential tenant profiles by property type, and lay out the unique characteristics & challenges that landlords are regularly faced with, when dealing with ...
Following up on our last episode, we review 2 very different sub-leasing deals in two of Japan's top property investment destinations, highlight the purchase criteria, review the numbers, advant...
We review the advantages and dis-advantages of sub-lease arrangements with short term stay operators - why and when you may want to do it, what to look out for, and how to plan for the future.
We re-visit two of our most popular real-estate property deals - both of which have just gone back on the market again!
We speak to a first time investor from Singapore, who is about to take her first steps in Japan's real-estate property investment market - discussing various investment strategies and purchase c...
Recording of a call with a new client from Australia who is considering purchasing a ski property - buying land with or without a standalone house, holiday villa in a ski resort or standard resi...